03. Marketing & Manipulation

Those who are not perceived do not exist.

This marketing principle applies even more in the virtual world than in the analogue one. For this reason, AE is now an integral part of marketing on the internet.

When it comes to selling the latest car model or promoting the best streaming service, the strategy is initially easy to see through. Personalised advertising is a win-win strategy because the flow of information is more targeted, i.e. the effectiveness of the marketing increases for the producer and the relevance for the consumer.

But what if it is not a product or service that is to be “sold” but a certain view or mood? This is about manipulating opinion and ultimately about a “call-to-action”! A sad example is the persecution and killing of the Rohingyas in Myanmar, which is demonstrably due to manipulative sentiment and calls for murder in social media.

Social networks are therefore increasingly coming under criticism. The numerous scandals about data abuse, fake news, hate speech and manipulative interference in democratic processes are alarm signals.

It is time to ask ourselves whether the eternal and almost religious mantra of the social media corporations of wanting to improve the world is perhaps also just “fake news”:

“We believe it‘s our responsibility to bring the world together and to give power to the community to build a better world.”

Hema Budaraju, Produktmanagerin bei Facebook

Read more:

Social Media Marketing einfach erklärt: Definition, Übersicht & FAQ von Olaf Kopp

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